Financial analysis as a tool for assessing the functioning of enterprises in practice




energy sector, WIG-EnergiaFinancial situation, financial indicators, WIG-Energia


Aim: The aim of the study was to examine the financial situation of selected enterprises from the energy sector and to assess the usefulness of financial analysis tools in the functioning of enterprises. Material and methods: The analysis was made on the basis of financial data from the financial statements of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange for the period 2015-2019: Polska Grupa Energetyczna SA, Tauron Polska Energia SA oraz Enea SA. Indicators were used that related to various areas of the company's activity: financial liquidity ratios, debt ratios and profitability ratios. Results and conclusions: The achieved results and the presented considerations prove that the financial analysis tools reflect information on the functioning of the enterprise and can be used for its further development. Based on the ratio analysis of selected enterprises from the energy sector, it should be stated that the profitability ratios are the most unfavorable. Additionally, the use of external financing sources is increasing year by year in the surveyed enterprises.


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How to Cite

Firlej , K., & Kubala, S. (2020). Financial analysis as a tool for assessing the functioning of enterprises in practice. Problems of Economics and Law, 5(2), 1–11.



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