Taxonomic analysis of the spatial differentiation of purchase prices on the fruit and vegetable market in Poland




regional disparitie, taxonomic methods, Ward’s method, agricultural raw materials


Aim: The main aim of the article is to separate groups of voivodships that in 2018 are characterized by a similar level of purchase prices on the vegetable and fruit market. In addition, a comparative study between the markets in question was made for the results obtained.
Material and methods: The agglomeration method was used for the study. The subject of the study were individual Polish voivodships in 2018. Six variables characterizing purchase prices of vegetables and fruit were taken into account.
Results and conclusions: The achieved research results have shown that in Poland there is a significant variation in purchase prices on the vegetable and fruit market. A comparative study of clusters of voivodships with a similar level of purchase prices between the vegetable and fruit market, it should be stated that there are no significant similarities in this respect.


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How to Cite

Kubala, S. (2022). Taxonomic analysis of the spatial differentiation of purchase prices on the fruit and vegetable market in Poland. Problems of Economics and Law, 4(1), 1–14.



Original article