Opportunities for the development of Third Age Universities as organizations supporting the elderly
elder people, university of the third age, senior citizensAbstract
Aim: The main aim of the study was to present the opportunities posed by Universities of the Third Age in relation to elderly people and the country's economy. In the first stage of the study examined whether there are factors that could affect the number of people participating in activities organized by UTA. Therefore, it was examined causal relationships between the number of people participating in the classes organized by the Universities of the Third Age and the number of UTA, the number of professionally active people aged 50+ and the number people with retirement or pension. The research period referred to 2017. The second stage of the study referred to the identification of opportunities related to the development of UTA as an organization that supports the elderly people.
Material and Methods: The study used the Spearman rank correlation index. For this purpose, source materials and publications of the Central Statistical Office for individual voivodships were used regarding the number of universities and graduate students. Consideration was also literature and data related to the activities of the Universities of the Third Age. On the basis of the Government Program and Report on Third Age Universities, possibilities related to the development of individuals as organizations that support the elderly are defined.
Results and conclusions: The results of the analyzes show the universality of operation of universities in Poland in 2017. The data shows that in the same year in the country operated 2076 universities.The analysis of statistical data confirms that the relationship between the number of students at Universities of the Third Age and the increase in the number of such universities, as well as the number of people who are professionally active at the age of 50+ and people with retirement or pension is statistically significant. The idea of creating Universities of the Third Age is the way in which empowerment and limiting the marginalization of elderly. Universities of the Third Age create many opportunities that can improve the quality of life or increase awareness and physical activity. In addition, the functioning of these types of universities may contribute to the development of the national economy, which is one of the arguments that actions undertaken for the benefit of older people should be treated as a priority.
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