The tax system as an investment accelerator in Poland




tax system, investment allowances, income tax


The article is devoted to tax solutions in personal income tax and corporate income tax, which are intended to create an investment process contributing to economic growth. The first part of the article presents the most important views of economists on the impact of the tax system on the economy, which are realized through the stimulus function. This is possible thanks to the application of various types of tax preferences, e. g. deductions, exemptions, which make it possible to reduce tax liabilities. In the next part of the article, attention is drawn to the concessions that create investments in the economy. Some regulations on corporate income tax and personal income tax have been taken into account. In particular, the design of the research and development allowance, the allowance for hiring innovative employees, the IP BOX allowance, the allowance for prototypes and the allowance for robotization were discussed. Next, aspects related to the impact of the abovementioned allowances on the economy are discussed, taking into account value data showing the value of individual tax preferences that taxpayers have benefited from. In addition, the issue of the number of taxpayers who have benefited from these solutions was raised. The data for empirical verification covered the years 2019–2021 and were obtained from the Ministry of Finance. The conclusions of the study were clarified using a descriptive method and statistical analysis. The analysis showed that these solutions are not sufficient to effectively encourage the investment process. Changes in tax regulations are needed to stimulate the investment process among taxpayers.


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How to Cite

Furman, Łukasz. (2024). The tax system as an investment accelerator in Poland. Problems of Economics and Law, 9(1), 1–15.


