Analysis of the daily amplitude of WIG20 companies based on the years 2015-2019




WIG20, interval estimation, probability amount of return capital, short-term investing


Aim: The aim of the article was to show the real possibilities return the capital in short-term investments. Determining the population mean estimate (arithmetic mean of the sample) and determining the interval estimation will allow to show the tendency 13 of the quotes rate fluctuations around a specific value. Such information can be used to build a good investment strategy. Material and methods: As part of the study, tools for interval estimation with the use of broadly understood confidence intervals were used. The research material examined the daily limits of selected WIG20 companies in 2015-2019. In order to perform the analysis, archival data available on the website was collected.
Results and conclusions: The obtained results made it possible to confirm that it is highly probable that we are able to determine the limits in the daily price of the company listed on the WIG20. The analysis allows to select the company that can bring the greatest profits from the invested capital, while maintaining a certain level of risk resulting from the volatility of the trend.


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How to Cite

Stanuch, M. (2020). Analysis of the daily amplitude of WIG20 companies based on the years 2015-2019. Problems of Economics and Law, 5(2), 1–11.



Original article