Land taxes in estimating land factor costs for the purposes of economic design of production processes
land tax costs, production planningAbstract
Purpose of the article: The aim of the study is to indicate the sources of the estimation law and to determine the size and significance of the basic tax costs of land as a production factor in the economic design of production processes.
Material and methods: The material was obtained from the Internet System of Legal Acts (sources of law shaping the costs of the land factor), the website of the Central Statistical Office (communications from the President of the Central Statistical Office regarding the average purchase price of rye and the price of sawmill wood) and the Public Information Bulletin of the Tarnów rural commune (resolutions of the Tarnów Commune Council regarding reducing the average purchase price of rye and real estate tax rates). Calculations published by agricultural advisory centres were used to determinate the share of agricultural tax costs in the costs of agricultural production. In addition, 89 students projects were used to determinate the size and share of tax costs in the total costs of planned projects. The study is of a conceptual nature, hence the research material obtained from the BIP of the Tarnów commune is mainly intended to illustrate the discussed issues.
Results and conclusions: The costs of land as a production factor result from its ownership (the fact of ownership). Lack of your own land forces you to rent or lease it, which makes it impossible to estimate the cost before concluding a contract with the owner. When it comes to owning land, its classification and use are of primary importance. Own land planned for production use will be subject to one of three taxes in Poland - agricultural, forestry or real estate. In the vast majority of cases, the designer should include real estate tax in the bill. The tax-related amounts that must be included in the costs of production processes are relatively low, but should not be ignored.
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