Analiza współzależności wybranych indeksów giełdowych w latach 2010-2020




stock market analysis, index correlation study, Pearson correlation, Spearman rank correlation


Objectives: The aim of the article was to analyze the correlation of selected stock market indices and check the possibility of forecasting them.
Data and methods: The study was divided into two parts: the dependence of indices on a monthly basis and in terms of the perspective of its forecasting. The research material concerns the period for the years 2010-2020 and the study was based on the Pearson correlation coefficient and Spearman rank correlations.
Results: The analysis showed a clear degree of correlation of global stock indices in terms of reasoning for the interpretation of the correlation phenomenon. In the case of an attempt to forecast the future values of a given stock index, the research showed a negative effect consisting in the lack of adequate inference based on historical data.
Conclusions: It is impossible to try to forecast the future value of a given stock index on the basis of historical data. Trying to build an appropriate investment strategy based on this methodology (sample II) may be ineffective.


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How to Cite

Firlej, K., & Stanuch, M. (2022). Analiza współzależności wybranych indeksów giełdowych w latach 2010-2020. Problems of Economics and Law, 6(1), 71–84.



Original article