Curiosities of the owner's supervision in communal firms – the problems of the business model
owner’s supervision, municipal firms, business modelAbstract
Aim of the study: The aim of the article is an identification of problems of the in commercial code company’s of the municipal sector with special returning the attention to the attitude of supervisory boards towards challenges standing before present problems of municipal sector.
Materials and methods: For the achievement of the objective of the study own examinations were used with the application of the questionnaire of the interview which let at the stage of the synthesis, to get adequate results in the research process.
Results: The analysis of the results allowed for formulating of conclusions, concerning classification of areas of cooperation of supervisory boards and board of directors these companies. The accepted investigative techniques made possible the exhibition of differences in the approach to each areas of the cooperation.
Conclusions: A preference area in relations of the baulk a supervisory boards and board of directors these communal companies, the elaboration of a business model adequate to present problems of companies.
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