Economic situation on the residential real estate market and the housing loan market in Poland and Great Britain
mortgage loan, mortgage market, real estate market, Poland, Great BritainAbstract
For borrowers in Poland and Great Britain, both changes in interest rates and changes in supervisory recommendations for housing loans addressed to banks by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority were of great importance. Supervisory recommendations and interest rates shaped the demand for housing loans through their influence on the loan decisions of people interested in buying an apartment (or building a house). The impact of recommendations and interest rates on the behavior of borrowers in the housing loan market results from the anticipation of changes in loan availability as a result of specific supervisory recommendations and is stronger when the loan is the only option to achieve the housing goal.
In the theoretical part of the article, the research is based on literature sources (compact works and articles), both Polish and English, primarily in the field of monetary policy, financial crises, financial stability and the residential real estate market. The source data was taken from publications of research institutes and analytical materials of central banks and other financial institutions. Empirical data comes from publicly available monetary statistics, reports on the implementation of monetary policy and reports of central banks.
The analysis of the impact of the central bank interest rate and financial supervision recommendations on households’ decisions regarding taking out housing loans was based on data obtained through surveys carried out using a structured questionnaire. These studies were conducted in Poland and Great Britain in 2018.
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