The specificity of the competences of members of supervisory boards of municipal company with the status of an internal subject




competences, municipal company, internal subject, supervisory board


The article presents the issues of competences of members of supervisory boards of municipal companies with the status of an internal subject in the context of the specificity of these entities. It presents the results of a comparative analysis of the authors’ own pilot studies and the already existing research on the competences of council members in non-municipal companies. The aim of the article is to present a model of specific competences of members of supervisory boards in companies with the exclusive participation of a local government with the status of an internal subject. The article adopts the hypothesis that the competences of members of supervisory boards of municipal companies with the status of an internal subject differ from the competences assigned to supervisory boards of entities operating under fully market conditions. The text refers to the PwC research on the competences of members of supervisory boards of companies listed under the WIG20, WIG40 and WIG80 indices. Applied research methods: analysis of the literature, analysis of the results of my own research in four municipal companies with the status of an internal subject, in which the competences of members of their supervisory boards were examined, and a comparative analysis of the research results. In their research, the authors used the “competency basket” model developed by PwC.
The conclusion of this article is the imperative of local authorities taking into account the competency profile of a candidate for a supervisory board member in the recruitment process of supervisory board members, which takes into account the specificity of operation of this type of subject. This especially applies to the members of the first supervisory board after the transformation.


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How to Cite

Barwacz, K., & Wojtowicz, A. (2022). The specificity of the competences of members of supervisory boards of municipal company with the status of an internal subject. Problems of Economics and Law, 7(1), 66–85.


