Adult education as a factor in the development of human capital




human capital, lifelong learning, increasing competences, vocational education, competitiveness, motivation


The article deals with the importance of human capital in the functioning of the economy, in particular of enterprises. The concept of human capital was presented, and attention was also paid to the diversity of definitions. The most space is devoted to the quality of human capital and ways of improving it, with particular emphasis on lifelong learning. The importance of competences was emphasized and the various instruments to improve them were presented. The theoretical considerations were supplemented with the analysis of statistical data illustrating the participation of adults in various forms of education in Poland and the EU.


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How to Cite

Koptiew, D., & Puzio-Wacławik, B. (2022). Adult education as a factor in the development of human capital. Problems of Economics and Law, 7(1), 52–65.


