The VAT system in the opinion of entrepreneurs and accounting staff


  • Aleksandra Minorczyk University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow, Faculty of Administration and Economics, Poland
  • Wojciech Sroka University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow, Faculty of Administration and Economics, Poland



value added tax, VAT, tax system, questionnaire research


Purpose of the study: Assessment of the VAT system, with particular emphasis on the changes introduced in 2019–2021.
Materials and methods: The literature on the subject was used to present the theoretical aspects of VAT. The study analyzes and interprets the results of own research conducted among entrepreneurs and people practicing the profession of an accountant. Primary materials were obtained using the diagnostic survey method, the survey technique and the survey questionnaire tool. The study uses a comparative, quantitative and qualitative method. The descriptive, graphical and tabular methods were used to present the results.
Research results: The conducted research proved that the VAT system in Poland requires optimization and simplification. The introduced changes should be consulted and the opinions of experts and entrepreneurs taken into account in the implemented regulations. Both entrepreneurs and accounting staff believe that the applicable VAT regulations are very complicated – which makes running a business difficult. The changes introduced in 2019–2021, according to the majority of respondents, not only did not simplify the procedures used, but introduced more obligations and increased the operating costs of companies.


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How to Cite

Minorczyk, A., & Sroka, W. (2022). The VAT system in the opinion of entrepreneurs and accounting staff. Problems of Economics and Law, 7(1), 16–36.


