Development of creative industries in Poland




creative industries, cultural industries, creative economy, creativity


Purpose of the article: The purpose of this study is to determine the development of creative industries in Poland.

Materials and methods: The research was conducted using the desk research method. A rich body of domestic and foreign literature on the subject was used, the criterion for selection of which was high quality, originality and timeliness. The empirical research covering 2010-2018 used data from the publication Rola gospodarki kreatywnej w Polsce (eng. The role of the creative economy in Poland), which was prepared by the Polish Economic Institute.

Results: The literature search made it possible to carry out a characterization of the creative industries and determine their importance in the process of economic development. The theoretical conditions of the creative industries were also examined. Subsequently, the following issues were addressed: the concept and essence of creative industries; the economic and non-economic aspects of their development; the role of culture in the development process of creative industries. The empirical area of the paper presents the results of the analysis of the development of creative industries in Poland in 2010-2018.

Conclusions: Among all divisions of the PKD activities of central companies; management consulting is the dominant position in terms of the division's participation in the total gross value added in the economy and as a segment of the creative economy. Scientific research and development had the highest growth rate in the aforementioned aspects, while publishing activities had the highest decline. Scientific research and development appears also to be the department with the highest growth rate in the number of companies and people employed.


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How to Cite

Firlej, K. A., & Leś, E. . (2022). Development of creative industries in Poland. Problems of Economics and Law, 7(1), 37–51.


