Undisclosed sources of revenues as a dimension of the shadow economy in Poland


  • Łukasz Furman Carpathian State College in Krosno, Poland https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6960-8933
  • Anna Hańczyk Carpathian State College in Krosno, Poland
  • Sylwia Tasz Carpathian State College in Krosno, Poland




undisclosed revenues, shadow economy, tax control, hidden activities


A way to raise funds for the Treasury is to impose taxes on various types of entities. Taxpayers who avoid paying public levies are a big problem for the economy. Such practice accepts various types of unlawful conduct and identifies itself with hiding the subject of taxation. One of the most common problems for the Polish tax system is: - failure to declare revenues for taxation with the flat-rate income tax on recorded revenues obtained by natural persons, - failure to report revenues for taxation with personal income tax. This article deals with the gray economy caused by the non-disclosure of revenues and taxable income. Based on the analysis of the literature on the subject, reports and statistical data for the years 2016-2020 provided by the Ministry of Finance, the size of the shadow economy related to undisclosed sources of income revealed as a result of tax inspections.


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How to Cite

Furman, Łukasz ., Hańczyk, A., & Tasz, S. (2022). Undisclosed sources of revenues as a dimension of the shadow economy in Poland. Problems of Economics and Law, 6(1), 85–97. https://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0015.6834



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