Business model of microenterprises – empirical findings




business model, enterprise, microenterprises, entrepreneur


Aim of the study: The aim of the article is an identification of problems concerning constructions of the microenterprises’ business model beginning the economic activity with an utilization of the grant-in-aid from resources of the European Union. The attitude and the characteristics of entrepreneurs were emphasized in the article.
Materials and methods: To achieve the objective of the study, my own examinations were used with the application of the questionnaire of the interview and the observation, which allowed, in the process of the synthesis, to get the adequate results in the research process.
Results:The analysis of the results allowed the formulation of conclusions, concerning identification of elements of the structure of the business model of the created microenterprise and attitudes and characteristics of entrepreneurs. The research techniques made the diverse approach possible to the problems indicated in the title.
Conclusions:The priority area concerning the formulation of the business model of microenterprises is the identification of enterprising attitudes of the owner.


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How to Cite

Barwacz, K. (2022). Business model of microenterprises – empirical findings. Problems of Economics and Law, 3(2), 1–12.



Original article