Scope of the immunity of the honorary consul in the light of some bilateral consular conventions (case study)


  • Paweł Czubik Cracow University of Economics, Poland



consular law, Vienna Convention on consular relationships, bilateral consular convention, jurisdiction of the host country, consular privileges, honorary consul, jurisdictional immunity


The article is regarding issues of the scope of the immunity of the honorary consul in the treaty particular situation, when the double-sided consular convention being in force between the sending but assuming state isn't distinguishing between professional but honorable consular officers, at the simultaneous sweep the immunity of the consul. In such a situation a fundamental problem is arising - how to treat the honourable consular officer sending you under the immunity account. Theoretically the host country has two possibilities. He can acknowledge that the silence of the bilateral convention on separating the honorable consular service means that the bilateral convention under the immunity account refers only to professional consuls. He/she will be marking it, that honorary consuls will be treated according to standards of the Vienna Convention on consular relationships from 1963 He can however accept, that sometimes very strong jurisdictional immunity guaranteed by the bilateral convention (answering as for of one's scope for diplomatic immunity) will concern both consular categories in the identical scope. Presenting arguments starting to speak is a purpose of the present text too both with interpretations without ultimate determining the correctness one or of second interpretation of norms.


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How to Cite

Czubik, P. (2022). Scope of the immunity of the honorary consul in the light of some bilateral consular conventions (case study). Problems of Economics and Law, 3(2), 1–14.



Original article