Structures of the services sector in Poland in 2009-2016




third sector, services structure


Aim of the study: The aim of the article is to present the main changes in the basic structures characterizing the Polish service sector in 2009-2016.
Material and methods: The figures are from statistical yearbooks of the Central Statistical Office of the Republic of Poland. The work uses comparative and descriptive analysis.
Results: The following values and structures were analyzed: number of business entities registered in the REGON system, employment and employment-related remuneration, and generated GDP. In the analyzed structures the G-section, i.e. a trade and car maintenance dominated definitely.
Conclusions: In the analyzed structures here was also a tendency to increase the significance of sections providing services to meet the higher level needs (intellectual, informative, financial), and the decrease in the importance of sections that provide living services (trade, accommodation).


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How to Cite

Mikołajczyk, J., & Partyńska-Brzegowy, B. (2019). Structures of the services sector in Poland in 2009-2016. Problems of Economics and Law, 1(1), 64–75.



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