Designated person to perform in cases within the scope of labour law or appointed attorney to act in these cases


  • Jacek Małysko University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz – Branch in Jaslo, Poland



employer, managing body, employers’ representation, attorney-in-fact


The Polish Labour Code has its own unique regulations pertaining to representation of business unit, acting as employer, in cases within the scope of labour law. The article discusses regulations pertaining to representation of business unit, acting as employer, in cases within the scope of labour law by designated person and attorney-in-fact of employer. Analysis of legal literature and judicial decisions of the Polish Supreme Court reveals divergent views about mutual relationship between designated person and attorney-in-fact of employer. According to first opinion, designated person and attorney-in-fact are different legal institutions. According to second opinion, attorney-in-fact appointed to act in cases within the scope of labour law is designated person under the labour law. Moreover, there are common factors between these opinions: employer may appoint an attorney-in-fact to act in cases within scope of labour low, designated person may perform without written power of attorney and lack of formal requirements to appoint a person to act on behalf of employer.


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How to Cite

Małysko, J. (2023). Designated person to perform in cases within the scope of labour law or appointed attorney to act in these cases. Problems of Economics and Law, 8(1), 92–102.


