Functions of the principles of law on the example of selected principles of labor law – the principle of equal treatment of employees and the prohibition of discrimination in employment




principles of law, principle of equal treatment of employees, principle of non-detection in employment


In the statutory law system, fundamental principles for the structure and legal system as well as the legal order and branches of law, principles of law, norms of law. The aim is to demonstrate the principles of principles for the entire legal system with the obligations of equality and non-discrimination as fundamental labor standards in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, the labor code and the law of the European Union. Social problems concerning the rules concerning the legal influence on the processes constitute the law, its interpretations and law enforcement to the principles of equal treatment and the prohibition
of relations in employment relations. 


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How to Cite

Gądek, A. (2022). Functions of the principles of law on the example of selected principles of labor law – the principle of equal treatment of employees and the prohibition of discrimination in employment. Problems of Economics and Law, 6(1), 116–128.



Original article