The sovereignty of Polish state organisms in the years 1795–1848




Poland 1772-1848, partitions of Poland, Austria XVIII/XIX c., Prussia XVIII/XIX c., Russia XVIII/XIX c., Duchy of Warsaw, “Congress” Kingdom of Poland, Galicia and Lodomeria, Great Duchy of Posen, history of administration XIX c., sovereignty of the state, sovereignty of the nation


Sovereignty is considered a fundamental feature of modern states. Its essence in international relations means the independence of a given state from any external entities, in particular other states. In internal relations, the position of the sovereign is occupied by the entity exercising the highest power, whose will determined all the most important matters for a given state. The article presents the issues of the sovereignty of state organisms established in Poland after the partitions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, functioning within the political structures of individual partitioning states. These were, in particular, the Duchy of Warsaw, the Congress Kingdom of Poland, the Republic of Krakow, the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, and the Grand Duchy of Poznań. The features of non-sovereign states were held, in particular, by the Duchy of Warsaw and the Kingdom of Poland. The Republic of Kraków was a free city under the protection of great powers. The Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria and the Grand Duchy of Poznań had only the status of a province. The purpose of the adopted solutions was to appease the aspirations of the Polish elite to rebuild the independent Republic of Poland.


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How to Cite

Uruszczak, W. (2021). The sovereignty of Polish state organisms in the years 1795–1848. Problems of Economics and Law, 5(2), 1–24.



Original article