Lack of legal capacity of a deceased person in light of the jurisprudence of administrative courts




legal capacity, administrative decision, jurisprudence, deceased person, nullity of administrative decision


The article discuses lack of legal capacity of a deceased person in light of the jurisprudence of administrative courts in Poland. Critical analysis of said jurisprudence regarding administrative decisions addressed to a deceased person reveals some key points: such a decision is an existing administrative act, although it is void due to gross violation of the law; such violation does not occur if heirs of a deceased person have status of sides in the administrative proceedings; gross violation of the law is caused by regulating matters involving legal interest of the deceased, it does not occur if such a person is only named in the decision, without affecting their legal interest; gross violation of the law causes the decision to be void, so resumption of the proceedings is not possible; the whole decision is void unless legal interests of other sides of the proceedings are completely separated from the legal interest of a deceased person, then only a part of the decision which is addressed to a deceased person should be deemed as void.


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How to Cite

Szczęch, N. (2021). Lack of legal capacity of a deceased person in light of the jurisprudence of administrative courts. Problems of Economics and Law, 5(2), 1–12.



Original article