Europeanisation of Belgian public administration




Europeanisation, national public administration, public administration in Belgium, Belgian federation


Objective: The article seeks to define the impact of European integration on Belgian institutional structures.
Material and methods: The research work presented in the article consisted in interpretation of legislation using semantic and syntactic rules of both legal and natural language, rules of formal logics as well as legal inference. The object of the research work were legally normative EU acts as well as the Belgian constitution as well as legislation being the basis of the functioning of Belgian public administration.
Results: The impact of European integration on Belgian administrative structures stems from the need to develop the country's consistent position at EU level as well as its effective honouring of the obligations resulting from EU law.
Conclusions: Europe's impact on Belgian public administration and the country's federal structure is twofold. Belgium's integration within the EU structures is one of the reasons for the existence and functioning of the federal public service, strengthens the central level of administration and makes it necessary for the country's regions to cooperate. At the same time, the EU exerts an impact on the institutional dynamics of the Belgian federation through supporting its regions, which leads to decentralisation.


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How to Cite

Kawka, I. (2021). Europeanisation of Belgian public administration. Problems of Economics and Law, 5(2), 1–14.



Original article