Changes in consumer behavior in times of COVID 19




COVID-19, customer behavior, shopping preferances, life style


Objectives: The aim of the article was to analyze changes in consumer purchasing attitudes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Data and methods: The research was carried out on the basis of an extensive analysis of reports, literature, and own research, which was a questionnaire study. The figures comes from own research, which was a questionnaire survey. The original research questionnaire, which was placed on the Google drive and sent electronically to consumers was used for reserch. A total of 325 correctly completed questionnaires were received. The research was of a pilot nature.
Results: The analysis of changes in consumer purchasing attitudes during the COVID-19 pandemic was performed. The conducted analysis allows for the conclusion that consumer purchasing attitudes have changed during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as changes in their lifestyle. The research and analyzes also allowed for the following conclusions. On-Line purchasing activity increased significantly, as well as the structure of expenditures. Society spends much less on clothes and shoes. When making purchases, new platforms (e.g. Zoom) and instant messaging are used to a greater extent. In addition, it was found that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the lifestyle of citizens who show a greater tendency to rest and take care of relaxation for themselves has changed. We read more books and watch movies. In society, you can see a greater ability to do fitness at home.
Conclusions: In order to meet the challenges posed by the new reality to people managing enterprises, it should be emphasized that managers who have the greatest chance of success in the long run are those who actively analyze the dynamically changing needs of their clients and adapt business models to the new reality and by implementing the right types of partner-ships, they improve the digital agility of employees so that they can meet customers online, they can go to the mobile world - develop new channels to reach recipients, build social marketing - use social media for marketing purposes, take care of retraining service employees so that they can build relationships with customers, they can develop an offer tailored to the needs of customers, maintaining a balance between price and quality.


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How to Cite

Gorzelany-Dziadkowiec, M. (2020). Changes in consumer behavior in times of COVID 19. Problems of Economics and Law, 5(2), 1–15.



Original article