Engineering-geological documentation and mining areas


  • Tomasz Bardel Committee of Engineering Geology and Environment "GEOGRUNT" PPUP Sp. z o.o., Poland



mining area, geological and engineering documentation, mining plant operation plan, geological drilling, geological law


Aim of the study: Review of the legal basis in the field of mining areas versus engineering geology.
Materials and methods: The analyzes the Geological and Mining Law and their interpretations and also judgments of the Supreme Administrative Court of Poland.
Results: Incorrect interpretation of the legal definition of the mining area concerned the resource extracted by underground mines or by boreholes results in the need to develop a mining plant operation plan for shallow geological drillings.
Conclusions: Mining plant operation plan is not need for geological works as part of geological documentation for the foundation of buildings on area under which the resources are extracted in underground mines or in mining areas for oil or natural gas in deep rock formations.


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How to Cite

Bardel, T. (2022). Engineering-geological documentation and mining areas. Problems of Economics and Law, 4(1), 1–12.



Original article