Diversifying the structure of rural development programmes in countries of Centre and Eastern Europe





Common Agricultural Policy, rural development programme 2007-2013, European Union, Centre-Eastern Europe, development of rural areas


Aim: Common Agricultural Policy the EU, but especially her II pillar, is playing a role of no small importance in the forming of the image of the modern, European village. Her meaning into the development of agriculture and determines country areas even if the scale of the backing and the place he is filling which in the budget structure of the European Union. From a scientific and utilitarian point of view dense determining effects his realization is bringing which in is significant - especially for the development of rural areas. From here in the present article portraying diversifying the politics of supporting based on rural development programmes in the programming was a main purpose 2007-2013 (PROW) in countries of Europe Centre-Eastern, with particular reference to of reinforcements pointed to country areas. Relating to differences in the situation of the development of rural areas they made an appraisal of the construction of Programs in the context of allocating funds for individual action.
Materials and methods: Documents of the rural development programme were base Material for selected states (i.e.: of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary). On their base comparing implemented action and structures of financing them were made. In the destination of defining of changes in agriculture sectors of selected countries and PROW meaning 2007-2013 in these processes, data characterizing country areas was analysed available in bases Eurostat and reports of the European Commission.
Results and conclusions: Analysis results are showing that in analysed countries it is possible to observe certain resemblance in the structure of distribution of the support. Simultaneously the specificity of the implementation of programmes partly corresponded to the level of development of agriculture and country areas in individual countries. Results allow to file, that (relatively) the better economic situation of the farming is giving the possibility of the reinforcement (through the greater participation in budget) of realization of environmental problems in the agricultural policy. Generally it is possible to understand strengthening action for country areas and the environment, by dispatching to these cells the large portion of supporting as part of WPR means, as the achievement of the next stage in the realization of the demand of the sustainable development farmings.


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How to Cite

Czubak, W., & Pawłowski, K. (2022). Diversifying the structure of rural development programmes in countries of Centre and Eastern Europe. Problems of Economics and Law, 4(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0014.3154



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