Wasting the food in households in Poland


  • Małgorzata Mitka Cracow University of Economics, Poland




wasting, food, food waste, household, causes, waste


Aim: Analysis of behaviors of consumers of households was a purpose of research in Poland in the context of wasting the food.
Materials and methods: Data sources constituted findings of the Federation of Polish Banks of the Food, data of the Eurostat and findings own in the group of 163 respondents. At the work tabular, graphic and descriptive methods were used.
Results: Analysis own examinations is confirming existing of the problem of wasting the food in households in Poland. Over the 90% examined it admitted that he was reproaching the food, and exceeding the expiry date is the most frequent reason for the consumption. Reproached food products are most often a bread and cold cooked meats. The majority of consumers is declaring the acquaintance of programs and education campaigns, and yet still is reproaching the food.
Conclusions: Knowledge of respondents concerning issues of wasting the food in Poland based on their declaration seems to be on the highest level. It is possible and so to suspect, that either respondents are overrating their acquaintance of the subject or are ignoring adverse effects of wasting the food. It is possible to state however deciding, that programs and education campaigns aren't fulfilling their role or are fulfilling her in the insufficient way.


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How to Cite

Mitka, M. (2022). Wasting the food in households in Poland. Problems of Economics and Law, 4(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0014.3050



Original article