The being and the significance of the process of the inheritance in family enterprises in Poland


  • Karolina Worytkiewicz-Raś Cracow University of Economics, Poland



family enterprise, inheritance, generation change, planning the inheritance


Aim: The show of the process of the inheritance at Polish family enterprises was a purpose of the article. In particular identification of factors which are playing the key part in the course of this process.
Materials and methods: The article contains the critical analysis of literature and interpretation of the accessible findings concerning the process of the inheritance in Polish family enterprises. Data needed for analysis was taken from conducted examinations through with Poland the Agency for Enterprise Development and the Institute of the Family Business.
Results and conclusions: A knowledge in the scope of the issue of the inheritance was systematized in Polish family enterprises. Determinants were shown the favorable process of the inheritance and pointers in planning this process in family enterprises. The process of the inheritance is a crucial stage in the development of family enterprises which further lasting and staying at the market are determining. He is complicated, time-consuming and is connected with many problems. Owners of family enterprises should proactive plan the process of the inheritance that is develop the plan of handing the company over for next generation. The article contains signs for owners of family enterprises which are planning in the immediate future undergoing the process of inheritance in one's companies.


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How to Cite

Worytkiewicz-Raś, K. (2022). The being and the significance of the process of the inheritance in family enterprises in Poland. Problems of Economics and Law, 4(1), 1–13.



Original article