Consequences of the development of the artificial intelligence




artificial intelligence, digitization, political marketing


The development of new information and telecommunications techniques is the source of changes taking place in the modern economy. The changes taking place have several dimensions: technological, social and humanistic. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a machine to perform cognitive functions previously associated only with human minds, such as perceiving, reasoning, learning, and solving problems independently. Learning machines will influence numerous technical solutions used in business.
Objective: The aim of the study was to diagnose and assess the social, legal and marketing consequences of the development of information technology that creates the independence of artificial intelligence.
Materials and methods: Documentation method was used in the work, publications in the field of law and economic sciences were queried.
Results: It was indicated that artificial intelligence and auto-algorithms, created as a result of self-creation by machines, analyze themselves and can initiate new market situations. Digital marketing is about identifying the needs of potential buyers, using modern IT tools, by learning about the preferences of potential buyers who leave their mark in the space of the network.
Conclusions: The lack of legal regulations allowing for precise definition of responsibility for the operation of autonomously operating devices was emphasized. The emerging new regulations should be aimed at the protection of fundamental rights as well as protection against unfettered market and marketing activity of the organization, including that related to political marketing.


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How to Cite

Pizło, W. ., & Filipowicz, A. (2022). Consequences of the development of the artificial intelligence . Problems of Economics and Law, 3(2), 1–14.



Original article