Evaluation of the European Union investment interventionism effectiveness in the context of Visegrad Group countries economic development in the years 2000-2017


  • Artur Sikora Cracow University of Economics, Poland
  • Adam Chlebisz Cracow University of Economics, Poland




European Union expenditure, economic developement, employment, Visegrad Group, European Union investment


Aim of the study: The aim of this work is an attempt to assess the effectiveness of the European Union's investment interventionism based on the relationship between GDP per capita and total EU expenditure for a given country of the Visegrad Group in the years 2000- 2017.
Materials and methods: The empirical study used the annual frequency data from the European Union budget for the years 2000-2017 and World Bank data on the Gross Domestic Product per capita in a given year. The study part uses scatter plots of selected variables and the Pearson correlation coefficient.
Results: The results of the research allowed to indicate the tendency of the occurrence of interdependence between the EU expenditure and GDP per capita for the adopted time series.


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How to Cite

Sikora, A., & Chlebisz, A. (2019). Evaluation of the European Union investment interventionism effectiveness in the context of Visegrad Group countries economic development in the years 2000-2017. Problems of Economics and Law, 2(1), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0013.2668



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