The collective bodies and single-person authorities in Polish local government
Selected issues
local government, collective bodies, single-person authorities, decision-making and control bodies, executive bodiesAbstract
The goal of this article is to present the collective bodies and single-person authorities functioning in Polish local government. It shows the characteristics of these bodies and their advantages and disadvantages. Discussed were the organization, tasks and mode of work of the decision-making and control bodies operating in the municipality, the district and the voivodeship, i.e. councils of communes, county councils and voivodeship councils. The executive bodies operating in these units of local government, i.e. the head of a commune, mayor or president of a city, and the board of the district and the voivodeship, have also been characterized. Attention has also been paid to the common features and differences concerning these local government bodies. The study uses a formal-dogmatic method, based on the analysis of legal acts concerning local government in Poland. The article takes into account the legal status as of May 31, 2019.
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