Western visual fashion identity at the end of the 20th century
Analysis based on “Vogue” magazine
90 s., fashion, history of fashionAbstract
Nicholas Mirzoeff in How to See the World points out that the turning point in the perception of the world is the 1990s, and more specifically the end of the Cold War in 1990. The 1990s, as a period of post-modernity, redefines fashion’s identity by creating consumer images of previously unknown styles. Globalization, already supported by the Internet, introduced new rules of communication and other possibilities for cultural exchange. These changes, symbolized by Vogue magazine, became a guide to the reality of accelerated economic development. Starting with the analysis of the first magazine cover proposed by Anna Wintour, the author wants to ask how the identity of fashion of the late 20th century is shaped, and what function fashion magazines played in its creation, vividly shaping the modern viewer-consumer.
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