On Inquisition, Coronation and Femininity in Felicitas Hoppe’s Novel "Johanna"





German literature, women’s writing, historiographical metafiction


The article reflects on a way of presenting historical events in historical novels of the 21st century based on the example of Felicitas Hoppe’s novel Johanna. After a short presentation of contemporary subgenres within the area of the historical novel with an emphasis on historiographic metafiction, the author presents a way of presenting historical material in the novel, as exemplified by the figure of the French heroine Joan d’Arc, and then focuses on three thematic areas important in the novel — also related to history but still elements of today’s world: a type of contemporary social inquisition, coronation and femininity. Particular passages in the novel show a female scientist who, moving in a masculinized scientific environment, finds the parallelism of her life and that of the fighting Joan d’Arc.


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How to Cite

Graca, J. (2022). On Inquisition, Coronation and Femininity in Felicitas Hoppe’s Novel "Johanna". Humanities and Cultural Studies, 3(3), 53–61. https://doi.org/10.55225/hcs.435



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