Aleksander Wilkoń (1935-2022). Linguist, Philologist, Researcher and Artist…




Aleksander Wilkoń, linguistics, stylistics, culture


The article is dedicated to Professor Aleksander Wilkoń (1935-2022), eminent and versatile scientist, linguist, expert in Polish and Slavic studies, historian and researcher of the Polish language, literary historian, literary critic, popularizer of the Polish language, artist (poet and painter), academic teacher, Master for many generations of Polish studies researchers, author of a few hundred publications, some of which are canonical for Polish studies. The text is an unfinished portrait of the Champion and the Nestor of Polish Studies, and it aims to present the image of Professor Wilkoń’s life and his scientific, teaching and artistic work. His death was a great loss for Polish studies.


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How to Cite

Choińska, K., & Pachowicz, M. . (2022). Aleksander Wilkoń (1935-2022). Linguist, Philologist, Researcher and Artist…. Humanities and Cultural Studies, 3(1), 75–88.



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