The personality and competences of primary-school teachers: A research study




primary eduaction, teacher’s competences, typology of teachers


This article presents an investigation into how primary-school pupils imagine a good teacher and what characteristics of teachers they appreciate. The teacher’s personality is a quality of central importance to the teaching process. Teachers find themselves in many diverse situations and they cannot always remain the same. Each situation requires different qualities, attitudes and knowledge. In different situations, the teacher can achieve the same educational outcome in various ways, by using a range of methods. No teacher can be expected to have the ideal personality and cannot possibly have all the desired qualities, so some qualities compensate for the lack of others. However, the crucial aspects of a good teacher’s personality is authenticity, naturalness and positive relationship with pupils.


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How to Cite

Cintulová, L. L., & Radková, L. (2021). The personality and competences of primary-school teachers: A research study. Humanities and Cultural Studies, 2(2), 58–69.



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