Reviewing Procedure

Reviewing Procedure

  1. Humanities and Cultural Studies may, if necessary, introduce minor changes in submitted texts, which will not, however, effect in any way the content of the original text.
  2. The Editorial Board is in charge of preliminary selection and may reject a submitted text if it does not meet the required formal and content standards of an academic paper or if the content does not coincide with the profile and the research area presented by Humanities and Cultural Studies.
  3. Submissions preselected by the Editorial Board are reviewed by two reviewers in a double-blind process (authors and reviewers are anonymous to each other).
  4. If the reviewers present contradictory opinions, the Editor-in-Chief may appoint a third reviewer.
  5. Each review is presented in print and has to express an explicit opinion whether a submission is to be accepted or rejected.
  6. The Author of a text submitted for publication which has been accepted with some recommendations has to address those recommendations in his corrections.

Reviewing guidelines

A review is supposed to assess the value of a text submitted for publication. It means first of all the value of the academic research presented, its relevance and originality as well as its contribution to the existing research in the area. The final decision to accept or reject a paper rests with the Editorial Board and it is taken on the basis of reviews.

The reviewer uses the online OJS reviewing panel and submits the review form.

See the review form

  • Review form [DOCX]
  • Review form [PDF]