Początki syjonizmu w Tarnowie. Współpraca i konflikt z Teodorem Herzlem


  • Leszek Hońdo Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie




history of Jews, Zionism, Zionism in Tarnów, Jews in Galicia, Jews in Tarnów


Since 1896, the cooperation of Tarnów Zionists with Teodor Herzl began, although the opinions about the book “Judenstaat” were among them divided. At the congress of Galician Zionists in October 1896. A resolution was adopted to support the ideas presented in the book. In January 1897 the first meeting of Abraham Salz (leader of the Zionists in Tarnów and throughout Galicia) with T. Herzl took place, during which he stayed the state of the activity in Galicia. There were more meetings during which the world conference was being prepared. It determined among other things that bring the Galician Zionists congress signatures of Galician Jews with statements of readiness resettlement to Palestine in action initiated by Herzl. During the first Zionist Congress in Basel, A. Salz was elected as II. vice president of this congress. He gave a talk about the situation of Jews in Galicia. During the congress two factions clashed. Supporters of Herzl strongly opposed the petty and secretive colonization of Palestine before no political guarantees will be obtained. The second option was in favor of further colonization, for which the majority of Zionists from Galicia opted. Despite the adopted Basel program, consistent with Herzl’s views, Zionists from Tarnów went to Paris after the congress and bought land for a colony called Machnajim. Because of that, the conflict between Saltz and Herzl, who opposed temporary colonization, took place. The conflict has been appeased by recognizing settlements in Palestine for “test station”. However, the estrangement has started, both of opponents believed in their arguments.


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How to Cite

Hońdo, L. (2019). Początki syjonizmu w Tarnowie. Współpraca i konflikt z Teodorem Herzlem. Humanities and Cultural Studies, 1(1), 14–19. https://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0013.2912



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