The discipline of possibility

The role of coincidence in shaping the 20th century artistic identity




chance, discipline of chance, art, artistic creation


Chance/coincidence plays a significant, albeit implicit, role in artistic creation. One searches in vain for mentions of it in artists' biographies or chronicles of their works. Most often passed over in silence, it remains the great absentee of artistic creation. Western culture has pushed him outside the walls of the temples of art. After all, art is the work of genius, not chance.
For this reason, among others, the study of chance in artistic creation must be circumstantial and based on reading about what the sources are silent about, for little is said explicitly about chance. And yet, can chance be harnessed and made to assist in the creation of works and the invocation of further opuses? Can chance be disciplined so that it becomes a tool in the hands of the creator?
The aim of this article is to attempt to describe the role of chance in artistic creation in the 20th century. The work will be based on both biographical documentation and analysis of individual artistic practices. Coincidence as a creative method can be not only a tool in the hands of the artist, but also one of his artistic techniques.


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How to Cite

Oleś, M. (2023). The discipline of possibility: The role of coincidence in shaping the 20th century artistic identity. Humanities and Cultural Studies, 4(2), 39–61.



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