Which world is your simile from?

Relations between simile vehicles and fictional worlds





literature, language, English, literary comparisons, literary similes, Boyden, Hanif


The aim of the study is to reveal the richness of literary similes and comparisons in selected novels in English. The author discusses the linguistic phenomenon of similes/comparisons and then looks at how they are employed in both Joseph Boyden’s The Orenda and Mohammed Hanif’s Our Lady of Alice Bhatti. He demonstrates different analytical angles from which to examine the construal of novel comparisons and similes in literary contexts. The focus of the study is on the source domains used by the authors in their selection of vehicles in the construction of fictitious literary worlds.


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How to Cite

Szpila, G. (2023). Which world is your simile from? Relations between simile vehicles and fictional worlds. Humanities and Cultural Studies, 4(1), 7–24. https://doi.org/10.55225/hcs.502



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