The assumptions of intercomprehension in related languages and the development of student autonomy in language education




autonomy, intercomprehension, plurilingualism


Intercomprehension is a new approach to language acquisition and achieving plurilingualism. As a multifaceted phenomenon, it meets the expectations of foreign language users in multilingual communities of contemporary Europe. Intercomprehension results from the need of language users for greater autonomy in their linguistic contacts. The aim of the article is to show the assumptions of intercomprehension in terms of autonomy, to present EuroCom(Rom) method, to quote individual learner characteristics that enhance comprehension and are important for the development of an autonomous attitude, and finally to emphasise the teacher’s role.


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How to Cite

Grabowska, A. (2023). The assumptions of intercomprehension in related languages and the development of student autonomy in language education. Humanities and Cultural Studies, 3(4), 155–171.



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