Following myths and legends. Lazzarone in romantic Arcadian vision




Romantic poetry, lazzarone, Arcadia, Naples, Gulf of Naples


Books and papers on Italian travels mention lazzarone only episodically; however, Polish Romantic poetry perpetuates a stereotype of this character more often. The author of this article, using fragments of works by Juliusz Słowacki, Teofil Lenartowicz, Antoni Edward Odyniec, and later writers: Roman Brandstaetter and Tadeusz Różewicz, shows the way in which the character of lazzarone functioned in the imagination of writers-travellers visiting Italy. Her analysis of selected works dedicated to Naples and the Gulf of Naples proves that the topics, motifs and Arcadian themes present in Romantic poetry are still alive and original, and the topos of a cheerful Neapolitan established in Polish literature is an essential complement to the Arcadian myth. Some see the figure of lazzarone as a sort of mystification, while others perceive it as part of Neapolitan folklore, representing the genius loci of this charming corner of Europe praised by artists.


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How to Cite

Wilkoń, T. (2023). Following myths and legends. Lazzarone in romantic Arcadian vision. Humanities and Cultural Studies, 3(4), 63–76.



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