Exploring the artistic identities of H. Michaux and B. Fondane — a comparative study





Henri Michaux, Benjamin Fondane, world republic of letters, modernism, poetics of experience


The aim of the article Exploring the Artistic Identities of H. Michaux and B. Fondane — a comparative study is to compare the work of poets whose intellectual and artistic biographies have many similarities. Both come from the outskirts of the "world republic of literature" (as defined by Pascale Casanova) and both became part of international literary assets thanks to the decision to emigrate to Paris (Michaux came from Belgium, Fondane — from Romania). Both reach for similar modernist literary strategies and use the potential of film art developing in the 1920s. The inspiration leading to the individual artistic path of both Michaux and Fondane can be interpreted in terms of the "poetics of experience".


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How to Cite

Bartosiewicz-Nikolaev, O. (2023). Exploring the artistic identities of H. Michaux and B. Fondane — a comparative study. Humanities and Cultural Studies, 3(4), 27–43. https://doi.org/10.55225/hcs.436



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