Fears and emotions of a child during a pandemic
Support and assistance concept
pandemic SARS-CoV-2, children’s fears, preschool childrenAbstract
The topic of the current paper has been dictated by the situation of the Global Pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 virus, unprecedented in the latest history, and its effects that also affect children. The pandemic affected issues related to health, hygiene, medicine, and education, in every area of human life, especially those connected with the functioning of children. The aim of the article is to organize problems falling within the scope of the concept of fears in children caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic phenomenon. In the first part, the definition of anxiety in pre-school children was discussed, with particular emphasis on the pathological behaviour of children. Then tests on the psychological states of children conducted in the country and abroad were quoted. The next part shows the analysis of results and research attempts for anxiety evaluation in children by teachers, parents and children themselves. At the end of the article, good practices in the field of health education of preschool children regarding the prevention of pathological fears and other threats are indicated.
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