Mural art in Spanish Galicia

Cultural identity as resistance in terms of Serge Moscovici’s social research theory




cultural identity, social representations, mural, Galicia


This paper analyzes the situation of Spanish Galicia, which has historically been subject to Castilian culture, and where many murals with local themes are currently being created. The main thesis of the presentation is the assumption that the use of mural art in public spaces can be considered a form of expression of cultural difference and even a new dimension of cultural resistance in the region. In order to show this process, a definition of resistance is offered which serves as a starting point for the discussion of the most important, which then allows me to discuss the most important events in the history of Galicia in the context of the use of broadly understood art. My research was done during a private trip to Galicia in February 2023, during which I made photographic documentation of the murals. In this paper, I analyze their content using Serge Moskovici’s theory of social representations to show how they relate to Galician identity.


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How to Cite

Wróbel, A. (2024). Mural art in Spanish Galicia: Cultural identity as resistance in terms of Serge Moscovici’s social research theory. Humanities and Cultural Studies, 4(3), 87–102.



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