The beginnings of contradances in Europe
early dances, historical dances, country dances, contredances, baroque dances, John PlayfordAbstract
The aim of the article is to present the beginnings of contredances in Europe. It presents the results of extensive data analysis and library research. This topic is popular among researchers, especially in England and North America. In Poland, however, there are no synthetic studies of contredances. Contredance is a figure ballroom dance popular mostly in the 18th and early 19th centuries. The article presents the formation of the style from the end from the end of the 16th century to the mid-17th century. The first source documents containing a description of the choreographies originate from the years 1651–1728, when they were appearing in England and France. A huge role in the development of this dance style was played by the Playford family, who practically monopolized the publishing market of dance manuals in England for over seventy years. The article discusses the history of publications, the historical background and the substantive content of subsequent editions of The English Dancing Master. It also shows how this style reached the French court, from where it spread throughout Europe. The article summarizes the characteristics distinguishing contredances from other styles of dance and presents the stylistic changes they underwent along with their justification in the socio-cultural changes of that period.
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