Figures of the Body

Discourse on Contemporary Art in Michel Houellebecq’s pros




contemporary art, body, abject, dismemberment, deformation, Michel Houellebecq


The discourse on contemporary art appears regularly in Michel Houellebecq’s prose. In his essays and novels, the author of The Elementary Particles evokes numerous works of art (both real and fictional) as well as trends in art in which the question of corporeality and the treatment of the body as a medium come to the fore. The aim of this article is to analyse the artistic motifs appearing in Houellebecq’s prose that focus on various figures of the body in the context of categories such as deformation, dismemberment and abject.


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How to Cite

Małysa-Janczy, Z. (2022). Figures of the Body: Discourse on Contemporary Art in Michel Houellebecq’s pros. Humanities and Cultural Studies, 3(3), 63–75.



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