Translation as Explanation, i.e… an Interpretation of the Text




translation, explanation, interpretation, paraphrase


Two functions might be assigned to the translations of an artistic text (i.e. of poetry or prose) from one national language into another one. The first one can be described as “facilitating” for a reader who does not know the original language of the semantic components of the translated text (metaphrasis), i.e. its plot, imaging techniques, stylistic figures, constructing its lyrical situation, etc. The second function of translation, more important indeed, is to penetrate deeply into the meaning of the translated text (hermeneia), its deeper interpretation, and sometimes its creative development. Two examples illustrate these considerations. The first one comes from a paraphrase of Psalm I as interpreted by Jan Kochanowski. The second example is the analysis of the first few lines of Dante’s Divine Comedy translated into Polish.


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How to Cite

Borowski, A. (2022). Translation as Explanation, i.e… an Interpretation of the Text . Humanities and Cultural Studies, 3(3), 77–90.



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