New Poetic Forms in French Literature at the Turn of the 20th Century
visual poetry, calligraphy, decoding of the text, ideographAbstract
The aim of this article is to explore the problem of representation through words in French literature at the turn of the 20th century. According to the Horatian formula Ut pictura poesis, a painting can be remarkably translated into poetry, and poetry is often reflected in painting. The two planes interpenetrate each other, and result in a shimmering substance. The new tendencies initiated by French writers and painters at the dawn of the 20th century will make it possible to define the plasticity of words and images, and to discover the similarities between these two sign systems. The study attempts to observe the phenomenon of the coexistence of verbal and pictorial codes and to present the links between literature and art that allow the iconic text to be treated as sign(s).
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