Problem of objectivity of media coverage and TV-tickers published in main news programs on Polsat and TVP




television, TV-tickers, language, ethic, ethics, objectivity


The article contains the results of the analysis of TV-tickers published in the main editions of the Wydarzenia broadcast in the three months preceding the elections to the Polish parliament in 2019. The study showed to what extent the language used in the messages served a descriptive and to what extent - a persuasive function. In the analyzed period more than half of the texts announcing the reports were not intended to influence the perception of the events described in the materials. The results were presented in the context of the critical assessment of Wiadomości contained in the 2018 Rada Języka Polskiego report. The author’s considerations are complemented by a reflection on difficulties related to meeting the expectations of mass media recipients in terms of journalists’ observance of objectivity when creating media texts.


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How to Cite

Boruch, P. (2021). Problem of objectivity of media coverage and TV-tickers published in main news programs on Polsat and TVP. Humanities and Cultural Studies, 2(4), 84–94.



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