Does the rite of Forefathers’ Eve really derive from the Old Prussian “feast of the goat”? An attempt to resolve inaccuracies related to Mickiewicz’s vision of the origin of the rite of Forefathers’ Eve




“Forefathers’ Eve”, Adam Mickiewicz, “feast of the goat”, Old Prussian religion


In the second edition of the preface to “Forefathers’ Eve” part two, Mickiewicz mentioned the distant origin of the rite of Forefathers’ Eve, which, according to the romantic poet, in pagan times, was known as the “feast of the goat”. The Slavic bard obtained information about the Old Prussian ceremonial sacrifice of the goat through the “Chronicle of Prussia” by Simon Grunau. Until now, researchers mainly thought that this way he wanted to allude to classical antiquity, since he associated the “feast of the goat” with “the song of the goat”, and thus with the origin of Greek tragedy. The purpose of this article is to identify what type
of festivity the “feast of the goat” is and to see whether it can really be identified with the rite of Forefathers’ Eve.


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How to Cite

Hanuszewicz, Z. . (2021). Does the rite of Forefathers’ Eve really derive from the Old Prussian “feast of the goat”? An attempt to resolve inaccuracies related to Mickiewicz’s vision of the origin of the rite of Forefathers’ Eve. Humanities and Cultural Studies, 2(4), 55–67.



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