The "in-between" experience in translation — Polish translations of Drago Jančar’s essays




esej, tłumaczenie, Drago Jančar, pogranicze


The article is a part of the doctoral dissertation entitled The borderline category in reflections on translation (about the Polish translation of Drago Jančar’s essays). This publication is devoted to the problem of the meeting of two cultures in translation of Drago Jančar’s essays from Slovenian into Polish. This encounter is the result of an experience inherent in hermeneutic interpretation. The translation of Drago Jančar’s essays into Polish has been analyzed primarily on the lexical level. In translation it is noticeable that the “in-between” mentality is shaped by the genre form, and the awareness of the borderland emerges thanks to linguistic and cultural texts. Although Jančar’s texts are a fusion of literary, cultural and social horizons, the translation tries to preserve this picturesqueness, being aware that full equivalence is never possible.


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How to Cite

Borowy, J. (2021). The "in-between" experience in translation — Polish translations of Drago Jančar’s essays. Humanities and Cultural Studies, 2(2), 25–39.



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